Thursday, July 28, 2005


It has been a vexatious week. I have found it vexing. I am vexed.

I would tell you all about it, but how interesting can a story about an albino elephant, a sheet-glass factory, midget siamese-twins and Michael Douglas possibly be...?

Monday, July 25, 2005


I will never be a truly good Heathen simply because I cannot accept Fate. Its just one of my many, many quirks.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Livid Live Devil: Demon Developed Evil

I have failed to mention recently that Republicans are ignorant.


It has been a singularly charmless weekend thus far, remarkable only for its petty annoyances on the whole. It is for that reason that I have absolutely nothing entertaining to write today. I would offer my most sincere and heartfelt apologies, but it seems to be widespread knowledge that I have no actual, functional heart, so that would be pretty meaningless, wouldn't it?

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Perusal of Steam-Powered Prosthetics and Similar Notions

Scorching! I bring you words of great wisdom this day:

"She wants me to fist a fish? I can hardly say it, much less do it!"

10 points to the TV geek who can identify the speaker and the show. Hell, I'll even throw in a cigar. You'll look butch. Chicks will dig you. Fetishists will dig you even more.

On the subject of hatred and discontent, I've been contacted by a number of persons concerned that I might write about them in my little blog; their addictions, their maledictions, their hopes, fears and faults, their carnal relations with livestock--you name it. I hasten to assure them all that I will always protect the innocent by use of faux names and other smokescreens.

...of course, that means the guilty are all, in the vernacular, quite fucked.

I think you know who you are.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Talking to the Dead

...a priest, a nun and a rabbi walk into a bar...'d think one of them would have ducked, wouldn't you?

I attended Leonora Hurstley's annual Seance last night, more out of obligation than any particular willingness or interest. I made my dear sister Martine put on a relatively clean bearskin and accompany me, as the doctors said it was important for her to interact with civilized society as much as possible. She behaved very nicely, although I fear I may have the percocet I slipped into her moonshine to thank for that.

Where was I? Oh, the pre-seance party.

Leonora had invited most of the town last night, and as most of the town showed up, she was in a fine mood. She flitted about the gathering showing off her various baubles, her clear favorite being the five gallon glass jug of pure lard she had had sucked out of her thighs and upper arms last Spring in Mexico. There had been more, she said, but her cook had mistaken it for cooking lard, and had whipped up several batches of fried chicken for the Baptist Potluck before anyone realized the mix-up. I silently thanked Thor for my avowed heathenry.

Captain Baldercock was in attendance, and I am glad to report that his wounds are not only no longer weeping that odious yellow pus, but that they have taken on a brilliant ruby sheen that actually looks quite festive! He, of course, brought his arachnid bride, the tarantula he has named "Rose". He'd tied her to his epaulet with a pink ribbon, and everyone had to admit her social skills have improved tenfold. She only bit two people, and since one of them was merely a member of the waitstaff, he hardly counts.

The Rice siblings also attended--all four of the towheaded inbreeds. I can hardly tell them apart, myself, so it seemed as if there were a dozen of them at times. One of them was quite insistent that I grant it a dance, and I finally gave in...I only hope it was the female.

We didn't get around to the seance itself until midnight, and Leonora insisted that only seven of us could actually take part. She, of course, would officiate, and she quickly chose myself, Martine, the Captain and Rose, young Billy Prufock (upon whom Leonora has a bit of a crush, despite the tracking collar those fellows from the college up North attached to him three Winters ago), and May-Bell Perkins. I suspect she only chose May-Bell as a way to "show off", since M-B (as we call her) is a bit of a celebrity around here. She's won the crochet contest at the State Fair twelve years running with her handmade thongs and pasties, which she herself uses in her full-time job as an exotic dancer. At 83, she is still spry and nimble, so much so that everytime White Zombie comes on the radio, she's gyrating on top of the nearest table in no time flat....but I digress.

Leonora, as always, tried desperately to communicate with her dear departed life-partner, Cybill. She, as always, failed. We were lucky enow, however, to receive a visitation from an entity calling itself "Atak, Warlord of Grunk", who spoke through May-Bell and promised that his coming would spell the end of all our hopes and dreams. Naturally, we found this quite amusing, as none of us are much for hoping, dreaming or letting damned foreigners on our lands in any event. A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sneaking Suspicions...

I've rather gotten the notion that a good number of people in this world are having a great deal more fun than I am. Its really quite upsetting, disconcerting even, but there it is. Perhaps I have grown entirely too morose...perhaps I am much too alone...perhaps, even, I might contemplate actually trying to relate to some other human being at some point in time, to make a connection, so that I might thereby learn to appreciate those things that live outside my own narrow sphere of influence.

...pfft. Nah.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Private Gallery

Long, graceful fingers, easy smile, sharp wit. I can remember that much even still.

It is cold here, and there is no light. I don't mind. I was never one to linger in the light and warmth overmuch. Still, I cannot seem to recall when last I felt anything at all in these fingers of mine--they have been so numb for so long, I am not sure I will feel anything ever again.

Yet I can sense when she is near me. She does not make a sound, she no longer even hums the sweet little melodies she did so very long ago. In my darkness, I feel her light, and I know she lingers near.

Sometimes, just sometimes, she favors me with a touch.

Those long, graceful, pale but strong fingers I can feel against my flesh, even once she is gone again. She caresses my great mane of hair, dextrously massaging my scalp beneath. Her fingers trail across my smooth forehead, barely brushing the silky hair of my eyebrows. They never stray toward the empty sockets where once my eyes did reside.

Once, just once, she touched my lips, and when she did I shuddered, and a growl rose in my throat as the great beast within me grew fitful and restless, just for a moment.

I tamed him

But she had felt him, too. She has never since touched me thus.

Instead, I am patted about the head or shoulders, like a faithful pet. Occasionally, she will allow her deceptively delicate hand to linger there, resting like a feather on the muscle, as she did before all this, when I held her in my arms and she stroked my broad shoulders playfully, asking if I were carved from stone, or if I should like to be.

She was an artist.

She came to me to me today, and spoke for the first time in ages. I had almost forgotten the sound of her voice. She says she will find a place for us, where I will be welcomed and not feared or despised for what I am. She promises to be with me there.

I do not reply.

She is always with me.

From the moment she first set these chains upon me, and I dropped willingly to my knees before her, she has been with me. She did not know then that I loved her, not until after she had pushed my long, thick hair away from face and driven her beautiful fingers into my clear blue eyes, not until after she had bandaged the wounds and held me silently in her arms for hours. Not, I think, for some time after all that, after she had made of me her art--all bone and muscle and hair, her bound Prometheus, beautiful and loathsome all at once.

I was bound willingly.

She is my slave.

I move, gently, like her hands, so that my chains hardly make a sound. I lay my cold, hard fingers over hers, against my shoulder, and she shudders only a little. She knows the fearsome power she has granted me, and I can hear her, softly weeping, as she sinks into me, against me, just like old times.

I am with her, always.

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme...

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?" she asked me, her beady yellow eyes fairly streaming. She lisped the entreaty through blackened, broken teeth, her jowly face shaking. The soft Spring breeze lifted her matted, iron-gray hair off her hump, and a fetid stench reached my nostrils.

I paused a moment, then took her into my arms and made love to her right there on the dungheap beside her lowly hovel. It was a moment I shall always treasure.

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Evil Blood Cult of Satin!

Mme. Theodora Gullyroot-Hodges-Masterson, though by no means the most fashionable woman in her social circle, nevertheless had sworn she would not be seen dead in anything so tasteless as ice-pink satin. It was because of this that, when her mutilated corpse was discovered, its knees bent backward, its arms torn from its torso and sewn to its buttocks, its eyes scooped out and replaced by handfuls of grape-flavoured jelly beans, the most shocking aspect thereof was the fact that the draperies she had been wrapped were of none other than the hateful satin pink shade itself. Her murder remains unsolved to this very day.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ev'ry Sha-la-la-la, Ev'ry Who-oh-oh-ah...

I ask you, what fool came up with the notion of subflooring? And to what end? So that the Little People have a place to hide? As if there weren't enow nooks and crannies for their kind.

I had the most remarkable and fascinating dream last night, a dream which came to me as a vision. It explained so many things, encompassing all that has triggered in humankind the wonder and awe of the world in which we live. It also had a sex scene. I would tell you more, but your poor, pedestrian minds are simply not ready for the truth!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Short People Got...No Reason...

So I lied...I didn't go to bed, I went shopping. The Harry Potterheads had gone home with their precious tomes, so it was relatively quiet. I 'cruised' (as the kids are saying these days) down the freeway blasting The Ladies Cello Society and sticking it to 'The Man'. A good time was had by all. It very much reminded me of the time Lulabelle Perkins got the fancy bonnet she'd ordered from the Sears Mercantile. She was so very proud of that hat! She wore it everywhere, and never failed to tell anyone who would listen what a pretty penny it cost her. Of course, we all already knew that it must have been expensive, considering how many of the menfolk she'd been 'entertaining' in the weeks prior to its purchase.

I'm not sure, but I may have a misfiring synapse. Can one get that checked somewhere? I had intended to tell one of my dwarf-slaying stories, and now my title makes no sense whatsoever. And my first official title at that! I could fix it, yes, but I am much too uptight. Does anyone have a cigarette?
While Frederick William Summers-Montague was, in fact, a drug addict, chronic masturbator and occasional child molester, he nevertheless took umbrage at being accused of being that lowest of all things: A Republican.

Last night I was sorting through the piles and piles of cast off clothing that was donated to the Ladies for God's Chapel Amateur Bakers and Housing Authority Thrifty Housewife's Sale--I am not actually a volunteer, I just enjoy going through other people's things--when I came across a brand-new, sized-small leather corset with its "Hot Topic" tag still attached. 'How sad,' I thought, caressing the silky lambskin undergarment. I could picture the poor, fat, lonely Goth girl who had purchased it, along with a bottle of those fat-burning pills, hoping and dreaming that it might someday fit over some part of her anatomy other than her plump calves. Oh, how the mascara must have run the day that she finally gave up that hopeless dream and gave the corset over to the Ladies for God's Chapel Amateur Bakers and Housing Authority Thrifty Housewife's Sale! Nevertheless, I am sure the bucket of KFC she bought on the way home consoled her.

Evil KFC.


Off to bed. I was up all the night pelting Harry Potter fans with rocksalt as they waited outside various merchants for their precious new tome...

Friday, July 15, 2005

So I was talkin' to Ginger, see, and she says to me, Ginger says "Why don't you ever post to that journal thingy you used to post to?" And I says "Oh, it was just too hard, what with the having to come up with all this orginal, witty material all the time." And she says "Honey!", but she said it with that long drawl she has so it sounded more like "Hooneeeeeee! Have you actually read the interweb lately? Nobody is original or witty! Hell, most of them are barely literate!" So, here I am. With my blog.
