Saturday, July 16, 2005

Short People Got...No Reason...

So I lied...I didn't go to bed, I went shopping. The Harry Potterheads had gone home with their precious tomes, so it was relatively quiet. I 'cruised' (as the kids are saying these days) down the freeway blasting The Ladies Cello Society and sticking it to 'The Man'. A good time was had by all. It very much reminded me of the time Lulabelle Perkins got the fancy bonnet she'd ordered from the Sears Mercantile. She was so very proud of that hat! She wore it everywhere, and never failed to tell anyone who would listen what a pretty penny it cost her. Of course, we all already knew that it must have been expensive, considering how many of the menfolk she'd been 'entertaining' in the weeks prior to its purchase.

I'm not sure, but I may have a misfiring synapse. Can one get that checked somewhere? I had intended to tell one of my dwarf-slaying stories, and now my title makes no sense whatsoever. And my first official title at that! I could fix it, yes, but I am much too uptight. Does anyone have a cigarette?


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