Thursday, November 24, 2005

Syphilitic Whores

...know of any? Are you one? Let's hook up!

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkeys! see, I can say that because I am secure in my heathenry...heathenism?...unlike the Monotheistic Gestapo that is trying to seize control of my country, who live in constant fear that someone, somewhere at some point in time might actually in some small way disagree with them, or even worse, might be (*GASP!*) enjoying themselves. Isn't the cuture of victimhood great?

Don't get wrong, though, kids. I pretty much despise everything that crawls, walks or otherwise ambulates on this pathetic and entirely too tiny sphere. Certainly there are exceptions, particularly among those who carry the double-X chromosome, but basically...yeah. To say I find humanity largely abhorrant is to understate the issue to the point of senseless absurdity., frag, I got all serious. And I was in a good mood, too. Fuckit.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I really am a rather handsome man, both charming and amusing, once you get to know me, but that still doesn't explain the inordinate number of people who have asked to drink my urine.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Farm Wuzzies

...Ripper, whatever happened to Darkside? I rather enjoyed that "Cognitive Dissonance" album. I could probably find out for myself, but you know I have that whole "disconnected from reality" thing going on...if I start searching the interweb for some piece of information I actually want, I might inadvertantly learn something that I don't, and that just can't lead to anything good at all, you know.

Ah, I missed posting on that grandest of all holidays, Halloween--or, All Hallow's Eve. Or Samhain. Whatever. The point is, its the one day a year that otherwise uptight chicks dress like complete sluts and pass out candy. Can you see where this is going? Oh, good, then I don't have to actually type the whole thing out. Oh, the creative things one can do with torn fishnet stockings...