Sunday, November 06, 2005

Farm Wuzzies

...Ripper, whatever happened to Darkside? I rather enjoyed that "Cognitive Dissonance" album. I could probably find out for myself, but you know I have that whole "disconnected from reality" thing going on...if I start searching the interweb for some piece of information I actually want, I might inadvertantly learn something that I don't, and that just can't lead to anything good at all, you know.

Ah, I missed posting on that grandest of all holidays, Halloween--or, All Hallow's Eve. Or Samhain. Whatever. The point is, its the one day a year that otherwise uptight chicks dress like complete sluts and pass out candy. Can you see where this is going? Oh, good, then I don't have to actually type the whole thing out. Oh, the creative things one can do with torn fishnet stockings...


Blogger Ms.Winther said...

hahaha. Fishnet stockings...?-you can strangle someone with them.

4:25 PM  
Blogger Dark Angel said...

...strangle? That's just my way of being FRIENDLY!

2:22 PM  

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