Thursday, September 29, 2005


Went on vacation yesterday, as there's only two days left at the old job and I was bored out of my fucking skull. New job starts Monday, so I figure I need at least a couple days to decompress, as the khaki-clad manager-types like to call it. Hit the bars, hit a few mouthy kids, and my left hand hurts like a motherfucker. I guess that one dude's face was harder than it looked. Good news, though...whoever the hell that chick was, she's got some damn good conditioner in her shower. My hair is like silk!

This might be my first somewhat serious post with a basis in reality. Scary.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I love the smell of lip balm in the morning...

...I've been rather lax in posting, no? Yes. Its been a busy month. Not so much on my part, as I firmly believe in exerting as little energy as possible at any task, and even then only if there is some direct benefit to me in doing so. So, yes, I am shallow, materialistic, and inherently lazy--the Trifecta! But my laziness only stems from the fact that those activities that most interest me are frowned upon by current social/cultural standards. As if there are not plenty of babies in the world--we, as a society, can spare a few to impale on broadswords.

...but I digress.

I hear that Anne Rice, Queen of Goths, has written a book about Jesus. No, not a Hispanic man, I mean the one the xtians call their saviour. One does hope she turns him into a vampire, or that some form of BDSM is involved...otherwise, this might very well be a sign of those 'endtimes' that the evangelicals keep braying about on The 700 Club (betwixt calls for political assasinations, of course).