I love the smell of lip balm in the morning...
...I've been rather lax in posting, no? Yes. Its been a busy month. Not so much on my part, as I firmly believe in exerting as little energy as possible at any task, and even then only if there is some direct benefit to me in doing so. So, yes, I am shallow, materialistic, and inherently lazy--the Trifecta! But my laziness only stems from the fact that those activities that most interest me are frowned upon by current social/cultural standards. As if there are not plenty of babies in the world--we, as a society, can spare a few to impale on broadswords.
...but I digress.
I hear that Anne Rice, Queen of Goths, has written a book about Jesus. No, not a Hispanic man, I mean the one the xtians call their saviour. One does hope she turns him into a vampire, or that some form of BDSM is involved...otherwise, this might very well be a sign of those 'endtimes' that the evangelicals keep braying about on The 700 Club (betwixt calls for political assasinations, of course).
...but I digress.
I hear that Anne Rice, Queen of Goths, has written a book about Jesus. No, not a Hispanic man, I mean the one the xtians call their saviour. One does hope she turns him into a vampire, or that some form of BDSM is involved...otherwise, this might very well be a sign of those 'endtimes' that the evangelicals keep braying about on The 700 Club (betwixt calls for political assasinations, of course).
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