*insert witty title here*
...are we allowed to like Cradle of Filth again? I mean, in terms of the Metal Gestapo, who dictate what is and is not worthy of being considered, you know, "heavy"? Or "heavy enough". Or not too "mainstream". You know them, right? Well, fuck 'em. I heard a version of CoF's "HW2" recently, and really liked it. It has a far simpler approach than one might expect coming from Mr. Filth and whoever the hell was in his band the precise moment that song was recorded, which was actually a good thing. It almost--almost--puts me in mind of the Ramones or something. With the whole black/death/speed/whatever thing in tandem, of course. Although that's a pretty loose interpretation, I will admit. Still and all, I've picked up a couple of their albums for further listening...I've not heard a single damned note of their music since Cruelty and the Beast, which I liked well enow, but which didn't really grab me at the time, thus my appalling ignorance.
Deicide's "Stench of Redemption" should be out this coming week. Maybe. Probably. Possibly. Or not. Its rather hard to get a straight answer anywhere. I'll be on the lookout either way, and so should you.
Deicide's "Stench of Redemption" should be out this coming week. Maybe. Probably. Possibly. Or not. Its rather hard to get a straight answer anywhere. I'll be on the lookout either way, and so should you.